Reality Bomb 110A – Ten for Ten: Gallery of the Underrated
On a special extra-length episode of Reality Bomb, we’re continuing our tenth anniversary celebrations with a look at our longest running segment, Gallery of the Underrated. We’ve made a deep dive into the archives and brought back ten Gallery of the Underrateds from the past decade of Reality Bomb that re-examine the overlooked, ignored and generally derided Doctor Who stories of the past 60 years.
This special collection includes:
- Our first Gallery of the Underrated, with Jon Arnold on The Beast Below (Episode 003)
- Gary Russell’s defence of The Monster of Peladon (Episode 017)
- A look back on The Sensorites with Shannon Dohar (Episode 057)
- Paul Condon’s re-appraisal of Delta and the Bannermen, which includes a mind-blowing discussion of who the villains actually are… (Episode 047)
- Priya Deonarain’s reconsideration of the themes of Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children (Episode 091)
- A journey back to The Planet of the Spiders, courtesy of Lisa Gledhill (Episode 091)
- Pauline Serizel talking about why Love & Monsters is about her life as a fan (Episode 069)
- Erika Ensign defending The Ribos Operation… both generally and against a hostile room live at Gallifrey One (Episode 054)
- Glen Weldon having a topping day, eh wot, with Black Orchid (Episode 042)
- Gary Gillatt re-examining The Invasion of Time (Episode 097)