Reality Bomb Episode 065
On the sixty-fifth edition of Reality Bomb, we conclude our review of series 11 (and the 2019 New Year’s special, Resolution) as our review team of Sage Young and Lori Steuart talks to Graeme Burk about what made them happy, and unhappy, about the latest season, the standout stories, what they would change in the season to come and much more. Joy Piedmont talks to Jon Arnold, Delia Gallegos and Heather Berberet about the role families—actual and found—play in Doctor Who. And the Guardian’s Martin Belam takes us to the world of “teenaged” Kangs, cannibalistic Rezzies and rulebound Caretakers as Paradise Towers comes to the Gallery of the Underrated. Plus listener’s letters and a popular nature documentary visits the exotic world…of a Doctor Who convention.