We have suspended our usual segments to present a special documentary where we talk to 50 people in 9 countries and find out how they feel about the latest season. We talk about the positives and negatives about the storytelling, the new Doctor, team TARDIS and much more as we try to determine what we have in common, where the fault lines are in the emerging world of fandom, and what we hope to see happen in the next season of Doctor Who.
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Hello from Brazil. So far I’m not liking series 11. Althought it have some good episodes like “Rosa” and ““Demons Of The Punjab” ir not feels like Doctor Who to me anymore. When Eccleston and Capaldi threaten a Dalek you feel their anger. When Jodie threatens someone it’s like a Doctor’s cosplayer trying to be what she is not.
I have very enjoyed Jodie’s performance as the Doctor and indeed the whoole series. It reminds me a lot 1960s Who when i started watching, especailly the Second Doctor. Some episodes better than others but that is always the case. One thing, when contributors talk of Jodie’s Doctor not having authority i do feel they means she is not a man..
Hey Michael, hope you don’t talking about me. I have no problem with female actress. In fact, I’m a fan of Eleven of Strangers Things. That little girl knows how to show anger and authority. Maybe the problem is the direction or Jodie didn’t have a personal enemie yet like the Daleks.